Tuesday, February 23, 2010

hyosung cup

hyosung cup

hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup
hyosung cup

Don't Miss This Show - Cynthia MacAdams at Steven Kasher.

Woman with Mask. 1974

Gallerist Steven Kasher and I were both lunching solo at The Half King and joined up for the usual engaging chat that dealers tend to have with each other. I then walked back to his gallery on 23rd street where I was lucky enough to catch the Cynthia MacAdams show in its last week. It's good to get out of the office sometimes.

This was the first I had heard or seen of MacAdams, but there’s no question that she deserves to be more recognized. In the mid to late 1970s she was apparently the house photographer (so to speak) of the feminist movement, not only photographing the leading women artists, activists, and intellectuals of the time, but doing so from a specifically feminist point of view. Her subjects were portrayed as strong, independent, and self-assured and MacAdams style was refreshingly direct. It's hard to pinpoint exactly but the pictures do have a feminist spirit. Perhaps it's because with photography as with much else in life what you put in does come out.

Anyway, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, but if you live in New York City and you hurry, you can catch the show as it’s up through Saturday.

Kate Millet.

Mary Ellen Mark

Michele Phillips

Laurie Anderson

Gloria Steinem


Sally Kirkland

1986 nissan king cab

1986 nissan king cab

1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab
1986 nissan king cab

zeta phi beta graphics

zeta phi beta graphics

zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics
zeta phi beta graphics